Monday, June 11, 2012

Sound Confessions

This assignment incorporates the medium of audio. Record a confession.  The confession cannot be yours.  The confession can be in the form of a secret or an apology.  You may use your voice, or the voice of someone else, to make the recording.  Before you embark on this journey, listen and watch the sources provided below.  Make a container to house the recording device.  The materials and processes used to construct the container should be reflective of the content of the confession.  No size limit.  Note: the recording device we are using has a button that needs to be pushed to activate the recording.  When planning your design, you will have to account for a space that will incorporate the button.  Use no less than three (3) different materials and no more than five (5) to construct the container.  No size limit.

Development of an idea that results in an expressive and meaningful visual and audio experience.

There is one required material for this assignment which is a small recording device that can be purchased at the local Radio Shack. You will also need a 9 volt battery.  The recording lasts 20 seconds.  Feel free to purchase another brand/type.  Other materials are your choice.  Remember, no less than 3 and no more than 5.


My box is made out of plexi-glass & glue. I went to Lee & Cates glass and got some scraps for free. Then, with the crucial help of Russell, I made the measurements for the glass, cut the pieces using the bandsaw, and drilled holes using the drill with a special nail. After that I sanded the ends so they would hold together efficiently. By using the "Super Adhesive" -9001- Russell found on the floor, we started to attach the sides. Russell showed me how to use certain clamps so I did not have to hold all the sides together, which was awesome. They dried rather quickly, and 24 hours later my box was ready.

Then I had to sew my seatbelt back together after I had cut it out of the carseat. I attached it to the clear string I have bought around the drilled holes in the box to make it appear floating in air.



"When I was 13, 
I was in a car accident.
I wasn't wearing my seatbelt. I went right through the windshield. Not many people know,
but those that do have forgotten. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder why 
I am alive when I should
have died."

This confession was a really important project for me. 
My accident was a huge turning point in my life, and it felt really great to tell strangers and not feel scared. My box was made in glass so my confession would be as exposed as possible, while still contained. I put the seatbelt in the center, vertically, so it would appear as if it was floating. The seatbelt is huge. It is an instant trigger to the memories of my accident. Every time I am in the car and someone isn't wearing their seatbelt I have a panic attack. Likewise, every time I am in the car and someone I do not know very well is driving I get nervous. Surviving my accident has driven me spiritually and that is the direction my confession was leaning to. I wonder why I am alive, and if there really is someone looking out for me.


Link Here 

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