Monday, June 11, 2012

Masked Identity

How would you describe your identity? Through the making of a sculptural head piece and imagery (photographs or video), compose a visual narrative that offers clues to your identity without showing your face. Use materials that emulate skin and skeleton (trace paper and wire). The form should cover your head and shoulders. Once the form is complete, video or photograph yourself (or someone else) wearing the form. Imagery should demonstrate a narrative that communicates your identity. Incorporate symbols into the narrative. The symbols can be part of the constructed form and/or photographed or photoshopped in the final imagery. The final solution for this assignment is photography or video. Upload/post on your class blog. 

Development of an idea that uses metaphor and symbols to visually communicate a personal narrative. 

Wire, wire cutters, safety glasses, tracing paper, gel medium, brushes, cup with water. 

In Class Writing Exercise:
In order to prepare for assignment, we will have an in class writing assignment. We will start with words - how the principles and elements of design can begin your description and then move on to ideas about symbols within a culture. Details given in class.

My Words



My inspiration for my piece derives from my astrological glyph symbol (above).The Pisces symbol, featuring a pair of fish swimming head to tail in a circle is representative of life after death or reincarnation. Pisces are governed by a duality, a struggle of the spiritual soul within the physical body. I am a firm believer in astrology; therefore, I chose to center the focus of my identity around it. I incorporated the long symmetrical curves of the glyph symbol to express my personal struggle to stay balanced both mentally and physically. I believe the soul is placed in the body like a tree. And if you do not nurture your soul, it reflects on your body. Likewise, if you do not take care of your body, the soul is weakened. Which is why I do yoga, exercise, eat healthy, and do things I really enjoy. The square in between the two, symmetrical curved lines represents the need to be balanced, or centered, at all times. I have to work at this every day. Being unbalanced can only bring bad karma and negativity in my life. I maintain balance to stay positive. This piece really means a lot to me since it expresses a battle I face every day. 

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