Monday, June 11, 2012

Responses to "The American Life" & TED Talks

This American Life

277: Apology, Act Two, Dial "S" For Sorry

The "apology line" is an effective method for people confess feelings or secrets that have been weighing them down. I believe it is an effective method for relieving self guilt. Sometimes it is much harder to tell a friend rather than a stranger. Strangers can be more productive in easing a troublesome mind because they offer a "birds eye view" perspective a friend cannot give. And what I mean by "birds eye view" is that the stranger is assessing the situation as a third party observer who has no affiliation at all and can offer advice without the bias of underlying factors. 

TED Talks about PostSecret

PostSecret is an organization founded by Frank Warren originally as a community art project  that receives letters of confessed secrets on homemade postcards from anonymous people. It has expanded globally and has produced four books full of secrets. This approach is much more concrete and profound than the "apology line" due to the fact that the senses are changed. Society relates better to things they can see and touch because that is how our culture communicates. The visual is so influential over one's thoughts. Every one of the secrets is made into a work of art, which captures attention more than a recording on a phone. Personally, I am a huge fan of Frank Warren & his invention of PostSecret. I really think it has changed the way people see the world and themselves. Just knowing someone may have it a little worse than you gives you a sense of satisfaction and gratefulness for your life. PostSecret changes your perception on life.

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