Thursday, May 31, 2012

PROJECT 2: Memento

-Make a non-representational sculpture of a memory. For example, a person, place or event. Use no more than three materials. No less than two materials.  You may deconstruct and manipulate materials. 
-Be aware of the materials you select, methods used to construct and the juxtaposition of the materials. For instance, is it significant for you to weld, stitch, weave or tie any of the materials? 
-Remember you are working in three-dimension so be sure to take the time to walk around your piece and/or work on a banning wheel so you can turn piece while working. 
-Final solution should be able to fit in the palms of your hands (or two hands).
-****Important - Do not replicate an object. Rather, use elements and principles of design to communicate and/or symbolize the memory.
-Consider line direction. Is your memory taller than you? Could stacking or a tower like construction communicate height? Vast, therefore allowing for a horizontal presentation. Is the landscape (if you have one) of your memory closed in? Open with no boundaries? 

Gain an awareness of how materials, processes and the elements and principles of art and design can be used to visually communicate significant meaning. 

-You will be choosing your own materials and deciding on your own method of construction for this assignment. 
-However, please note that the number of materials is limited to three (3). 
-Suggestion for materials: Fabrics are useful for communicating texture. You can dye any material with ink from you ink set.
-Does glue count as a material? If the glue is visible, then yes, it counts as a material and should therefore be significant to the memory. 
-Any adhesive that is visible counts as a material. 
-Any method of attachment that is visible counts as material. For instance, if you use thread to sew materials together. Or maybe use wire to attach materials. 


I cut up pieces of wood, stacked them in three columns of six pieces each, and piled them together on a long, narrow piece of wood with one piece of wood separating the columns from touching. I then placed a hole in the center of each block of wood in each column by using a hammer and a nail. After drilling holes in the blocks of wood, I placed a necklace through each hole, connecting all of the columns together. When I finally assembled the columns the way I wanted them on the piece of narrow wood with the necklace running through them, I glued each piece of wood together. As a finishing touch, I painted the top block on each column a different tint of orange ink and painted the long, narrow piece of wood brown ink.



My memento is a representation of my memories and experiences as a child at our beach house. We have owned a beach house directly on the board walk of 26th street in Ocean City, Maryland for over forty years. It is a small, row house connected to several other row houses. The families in the connected homes have been there as long as we have. We have known them our entire lives, and consider them family. There are two other families in particular that we have remained very close with, primarily because their children are around my same age. We grew up together, looking forward to every summer we would spend with each other. My memento uses repetition of stacked columns to communicate the idea of our row homes. The narrow piece of wood that the columns are placed on communicates the idea of the boardwalk and the environment of ocean city. Pieces of wood separate the columns in order to display the concept that even though are homes are not literally connected, the necklace draws attention to the fact that we are internally connected. For years our huge group of kids would go out all night just so we could stay up to watch the sun rise, even when we grew out of adolescence. I painted the top blocks of the columns orange to grasp those memories. And I painted each one a different tint of orange ink to establish the idea of time in my memories. This memento does not recall a specific memory; instead, it serves as a collection of memories throughout my childhood, generating the idea of genuine family and growth

READING 1: On Longing by Susan Stewart

From the book On Longing by Susan Stewart. I will offer excerpts to you from the book in class. No handouts or links given. Be prepared to write in class. 

"Miniature books, eighteenth-century novels, Tom Thumb weddings, tall tales, and objects of tourism and nostalgia: this diverse group of cultural forms is the subject of On Longing, a fascinating analysis of the ways in which everyday objects are narrated to animate or realize certain versions of the world. Originally published in 1984 (Johns Hopkins University Press), and now available in paperback for the first time, this highly original book draws on insights from semiotics and from psychoanalytic, feminist, and marxist criticism. Addressing the relations of language to experience, the body to scale, and narratives to objects, Susan Stewart looks at the "miniature" as a metaphor for interiority and at the "gigantic" as an exaggeration of aspects of the exterior. In the final part of her essay Stewart examines the ways in which the "souvenir" and the "collection" are objects mediating experience in time and space."
Susan Stewart, Professor of English at Temple University, is the author of Crimes of Writing: Problems in the Containment of Representation and Nonsense: Aspects of Intertextuality in Folklore and Literature.
-source is Duke Press.


  • Memento= Something small, body is primarily mode of perceiving scale.
  • "Capacity of objects serve as traces of authentic experience."
  • "The Souvenir reduces the public, the monumental, & the three dimensional into the miniature, that can which be enveloped by the body."
  • "The souvenir is used most often to evoke a voluntary memory of childhood."
  • "To have a souvenir of the exotic is to possess both a specimen & a trophy."
  • Exotic= Anything that is unknown to you.
  • "The place of origin must remain unavailable in order for desire to be generated."

PROJECT 1: Expressive 3D Forms

ObjectiveUsing only the materials listed below, make four, small scale sculptures. The
                  content and meaning of each form will reflect your interpretation from the following
                  list (select four words - one for each sculpture): calm, sad, hopeful, angry,
                  ambiguous, determined, old, dubious, chaotic, stoic, voyeurism, memorial,

MaterialsBalsa wood, mask tape, clear tape, straight pins, wood glue.  You can cut balsa
                  wood with a utility knife (not Exacto)

Sculpture 1.

This sculpture embodies the word "determined."

I designed this sculpture to appear as a staircase leading to an invisible wall. This piece symbolizes our struggle and perspectives as humans. Every one at some point or another faces a blockage in their life. What makes us different from one another is how we perceive the situation. I made this sculpture around the idea of how I perceive challenges. Robert Frost once said, "the only way out is through" and that is how I deal with my problems. My wall is made of clear tape because I am a problem solver. 

Sculpture 2.

This sculpture represents the word "calm."

I designed this sculpture as a circle of unity. There is a circle with blocks equally positioned on each point of the edge of the circle with pieces of rolled paper connected to one higher block. Four columns of five blocks each hold the circle up. This design holds a lot of meanings to me. The first resembles a compass, and each block represents people located on different parts of the world. And no matter where we are or are differences in race, wealth, or gender, we are all still humans. Being a species of the same kind unites us, which makes me feel grounded. The second meaning has to do with religious affiliation. The blocks would then resemble the different types of religions and practices. The paper connects all of our religions to a higher being. Even though every religions higher being is not the same, we all believe in something. That is the big picture: We may be people from different backgrounds or places, but we all still believe in something. 

Sculpture 3.

This sculpture personifies the word "dangerous."

I designed this sculpture as a wave breaking with sharp pointed pieces of wood attacking as the wave breaks. This design exemplifies the dangers of the ocean. I am absolutely fascinated by the sea, but terrified of it as well. People often forget that the ocean is not our territory. My jagged wave contrasts with the common stereotype that the ocean is peaceful and calm. People die from the ocean all the time, and this piece brings awareness to the population's lack of respect for the ocean and the creatures in the ocean.

Sculpture 4.

This sculpture expresses the word "sad."

I designed this sculpture as a representation of my family. The piece of wood is flat against the surface and has five different ditches. For years it was just me, my mom, my dad, and my half-sister. Everything was balanced and going good. Then when my sister went off to college, there was no longer balance in my family. My parents started fighting all the time, leaving me alone. This lasted for 10 years. Everyday was horrible; no one was happy. The cut out pieces of wood resemble how my parents were constantly trying to put the other down, cutting deep enough without breaking all the way through. This piece serves to exhibit the verbal attacks of my parents, and how they always tried to act like everything was peachy to others. 

Bucket List

As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death.
- Leonardo da Vinci

4 Things I plan to do before I die...

Dive at Austria's Green Lake. This is an alpine park that becomes a lake during summertime. It is the only place in the world that is a park half the year and a lake the other half. It sits at the foot of snow-capped Hochschwab mountains. Throughout the frozen winter months, the area is almost completely dry and is used as a county park. But as soon as the temperatures begin to rise in spring, the ice & snow on the mountaintops begin to melt and water runs down into the basin of land below. The park fills up with ice-cold crystal clear water, which gets its distinctive green coloring from the grass and foliage beneath. It is truly one of the world's rarest phenomenons. 

Austria's Green Lake

Before my time comes, I want to learn at least 4 different languages. I already know a little from some languages, but I want to be fluent. Communication is so important in life. My priority languages include Italian, Spanish, French, & greek because I have a connection to some part of that culture. 

I plan to go on a spiritual journey to Bali for a few months, learning the Balinese way of life. The people in Bali believe that the physical world is permeated by the spiritual world. I wish to learn more about the buddhism religion, the origins of yoga, and the arts in Bali. Not only do I want to dive into the culture of Bali, but I also want to see the enchanting waterfalls. 
Bali Indonesia: Spiritual Retreat

I plan to live and work in California after college. Since I will be living on the beach, I would like to one day own a mountain home near a famous ski resort in Europe. I love to snowboard and hike. It is great exercise and a lot of fun. My home would have a meditation/yoga room and a therapeutic swimming pool and spa. I would want this place to be the epitome of relaxation. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

People I find inspiring...

Robert Frost

My all time favorite writer is Robert Frost. His poetry is so simple & yet so meaningful. Frost confronts issues in his poems that I can relate to. It is ironic that the simplicity of his writing covers more than we realize. I can read the same poem over and over again, and still feel something different. His work is beautiful to me. It is beautiful how he can say so much without really saying anything at all.
Robert Frost Bio & Poems

Anne Leibovitz

Anne Leibovitz is a genius. Her photography is ground breaking. She has worked for the Rolling Stones magazine, and photographed countless celebrities. The Disney series was utterly fantastic. The way she manipulates light and subjects is unlike any other. Her portraits are the best of the best. Anne finds that hidden part of her subject. Her connection to her subjects are unreal. She is a phenomenal photographer.
Anne Leibovitza Bio
Anne Leibovitz Collection

Raul Ronald Moreno 


I love collage art, especially when its digitial collaging. I have been doing it since I was young. Raul uses the method of collaging to depict his ideas in his work. He layers his pieces so they appear scrap-book like. I find his work intriguing & well-balanced. 

                                                                                                  Raul's Collection


Barbara Kruger is a conceptual artist who works with pictures and words. She uses minimal color and mostly black and white images. She is another artist who utilizes the method of collaging in her artwork. I love her art because it is very similar to what I do. It is simple but bold. Her boldness is freedom. 

Barbara Kruger Bio
Barbara Kruger Collection

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Books I wish to read...

I love reading about
fantasy, mystery, spirituality, 
and comedy. 
Basically anything 
that breaches the walls of

My 2012-2013 reading list incorporates
a variety from each genre.


The Bible
Water for Elephants
Lone Wolf
The Da Vinci Code
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell
How to Cook Everything
Are you there Vodka? Its me, Chelsea.
The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy
The Help
Paradise Lost
Memoirs of a Geisha
Chelsea Chelsea, Bang Bang.

The Perks of being a Wildflower

The Sun Also Rises
The Song of Achilles
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Lord of the Rings
A Series of Unfortunate Events

How to Cook Everthing

Books I have read...

There are books you read, and then there are books that change your life...

Top 10 Favorite Poets:

Robert Frost
E. E Cummings
Edgar Allan Poe
Walk Whitman
Wallace Stevens
John Donne
Emily Dickinson
Oscar Wilde
William Butler Yeats

Out of Class Readings

Eat, Pray, Love
Bridget Jones Diary
My Horizontal Life: a Collection of One Night Stands
Jimmy Buffet: A Pirate looks at Fifty
Scar Tissue
The Great Gatsby
Great Expectations
The Nanny Diaries

Secret Garden
Nancy Drew series
Alice's Adventure in Wonderland
Harry potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Link Here 
My Side of the Mountain
Swiss Family Robinson
    Things Not Seen
    Julie of the Wolves
    Where the Red Fern Grows
    The Black Stallion
    Charlotte's Web
    Little Women
    Oliver Twist
    Taming of the Shrew
    I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

                                                                       Julie of the Wolves Link Here

In class Readings:
Brave New World
Kennedy vs. Nixon: the Presidential Debate of 1960
Pride & Prejudice
Hard Times
Lord of the Flies
In Cold Blood
Jane Eyre
To Kill a Mockingbird
Scarlet Letter
Diary of a Young Girl
Merchant of Venice
Romeo and Juliet
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Heart of Darkness
The Canterbery Tales